CU*Answers Offers Complimentary Business Continuity Education Course

CU*Answers recently presented a complimentary web-based educational course for credit unions outlining the process to build a business continuity program that seeks incremental improvement while successfully adapting to the changing operational and technological environments. A key component to that process is a comprehensive, yet simple to perform, regular self-assessment.

The 60-minute webinar provided a six-step roadmap from program initiation to recovery plan testing and maintenance. At each step along the way, a self-assessment checklist was provided for credit unions to measure the maturity and effectiveness of their own program and identify areas for improvement.

“Too often the focus is on the how and what an organization needs to do; whether we’re talking about business continuity, cybersecurity, or incident response,” stated Jim Lawrence, CBCP, Business Continuity Manager at CU*Answers. “Perhaps the best insight a credit union can obtain is the where and the why. Being able to answer where are we today and where we need to be precedes the how we get there. Understanding and communicating the why will attract the resources and the drive to bridge that gap and accomplish the desired goal.”

As part of their commitment to their network of 200+ credit union clients, CU*Answers, a cooperative CUSO, provides professional education courses (classroom and web-based) and consulting services on topics relevant to the needs and current events of the industry.