CU*Answers Offers Clients “No Brainer” Feature Activation

CU*Answers’ “Just Turn It On” initiative, which is designed for clients utilizing its CU*BASE® processing system, allows credit unions to select from a group of configurable features and have CU*Answers perform the steps to activate them.

A CU*Answers spokesperson said: “When we say we’ll Just Turn It On, we really mean we will do it. We’ll sign in to CU*BASE and key in a credit union’s configurations, type in the procedural text or sales content and even write the language for required disclosures—whatever it takes. A credit union team simply answers a few questions along the way, but in essence, they relax and leave the work to us.”

Tasks performed as part of the service include:

  • Selling the concept to a client’s management team, their staff and board of directors
  • Prepare a benefits summary and project outline with timeline for Board approval
  • Consult on a marketing/rollout plan
  • Train on any internal procedures with steps to monitor, reconcile, and manage the product going forward
  • Make adjustments to a client’s chart of accounts, if needed (e.g. to support new fees)
  • Modify configurations in CU*BASE and adjust Member Relationship program settings, if appropriate
  • Produce and coordinate advanced member notices
  • Flip the switch to go LIVE!

Scott Page, EVP added: “This initiative is not intended as a big money-making endeavor for CU*Answers. The ultimate goal is that our clients use CU*BASE to its full potential and be able to do what they do best—serve their members. We also want credit union members to be benefiting from these products and services. Finally, we want every client to be a good reference for the tools for which the owners and participants in this CUSO have invested. By having our team Just Turn It On, it has provided the impetus for dozens of clients to begin offering popular new services which they may have never offered.”