CU*Answers Network Services rolls annual tune up service into Complete Care

CU*Answers Network Services (CNS) recently announced that starting in June 2020, it is offering an annual tune up to all Complete Care clients. The tune up reviews a client’s managed environment against ever evolving best practices and then engages senior technical resources to review with the client and make adjustments to improve security posture, performance and availability.

“We’re very excited to bring more value to the Complete Care service we offer clients,” said Matt Sawtell, VP of Managed Technology Services. “While we expect these tune ups to require 8-12 hours per client, we believe they’ll be mutually beneficial and as such have decided not to increase the price of the Complete Care services. It will also give us an opportunity to highlight new services that may be of interest.”

“Technology practices can change quickly, and this will ensure we’re having more frequent conversation with our clients about how they’re setup,” added Chris Shelton, VP of Infrastructure. “Engaging in this way is just another example of how we’re pushing our approaches to technology management from reactive to proactive, which is good for everyone.”