CU*Answers Launches Mobile Apps for Five Credit Unions

The CU*Answers Internet Retailer Support Center (IRSC), a new support desk for credit union virtual channel project managers, launched five new mobile apps this week. Cal Poly FCU, Century Heritage FCU, Ripco CU, Calhoun Liberty Employees CU, and Allegan Community FCU deployed mobile apps to both the Apple Store and Google Play Store for download. CU*Answers credit unions interested in the free app must complete all prerequisites to be eligible.

CU*Answers’ mobile app offering gives access to It’s Me 247 Mobile Banking, is branded to the credit union, is a place for branch locations, and allows credit unions to display graphical advertisements, among other features.

“Credit unions need to be accessible via multiple channels like apps, mobile web, and desktop because you never know which channel will appeal most to members,” said Kristian Daniel, CU*Answers IRSC Account Executive. “That’s why we’re working hard to put apps in the portfolio of all our clients.”

Visit the CU*Answers website to learn more about mobile apps with CU*Answers.