CU*Answers Implements Tiered Services Peer Analysis Tools

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, cooperative CUSO based out of Grand Rapids, announced two new Learn from a Peer functions with its latest release of the data processing platform CU*BASE®.  The first is Tiered Services Peer Analysis, which allows users of CU*BASE to compare statistics of its credit union’s Tiered Service Program side-by-side with statistics of other credit union’s programs. The second tool is called Tiered Services Program Configuration, allowing staff to compare its configuration, including levels and points given, side-by-side with configurations of other credit unions on the platform.

“No other data processor helps credit unions not just collaborate, but cooperate on this level,” said Scott Page, EVP of CU*Answers. “All too often we see collaboration as a lot of speaking and promises, with very little action behind it. As a cooperative, we help credit unions succeed by not reinventing the wheel; being able to share information amongst their peers and be able to see what works for other credit unions at the push of a button.”

To learn more about CU*Answers and the plans for expansion of Peer Analysis functionality visit the CU*Answers Kitchen.