CU*Answers Holds January Tricks of the Trade Documentation and Webinar Series

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, data processing CUSO announced it hosted its monthly Tricks of the Trade webinar for January. This month’s session will gave CU*Answers credit unions an in-depth look at the documentation related to the 17.03 CU*BASE® release/update, the new CU*BASE navigation changes, related videos and training materials.

To get an in-depth look at documentation discussed in the webinar as well as other documentation on related topics, check out the January Tricks of the Trade newsletter.

CU*Answers offers a new “Tricks of the Trade” webinar monthly for credit union clients to be able to view live or review at a later point in time. The series provides quick hitting tips on accomplishing various tasks within the system and interesting CU*Answers news that clients may have missed. Information on past “Tricks of the Trade” can be found at their website.