Earlier this year, CU*Answers rolled out the first Learn from Peer tool in CU*BASE, the Tiered Services Peer Analysis which allows credit unions to select another credit union with similar makeup, and view side-by-side comparison data on penetration goals monitored in Tiered Services. With the recent 10.1 release of CU*BASE, the Grand Rapids-based CUSO has provided a new feature, Learn from a Peer – Configuration Comparison.
The new configuration comparison screens provide the ability for one credit union to compare its individual configuration side-by-side with the configuration of another credit union. According to the CUSO, it chose to use Check Cashing Fee Configuration as its first example of this style of comparison. CU*Answers continued that the Cashed Check Fee Configuration feature is designed to assist credit unions in developing the appropriate fee structure to help offset the costs associated with handling checks, particularly for non-members.
To view a demo of CU*BASE Learn from a Peer Features, access CU*Answers onDemand at http://ondemand.cuanswers.com/