CU*Answers Conversion Team and Notre Dame FCU Endorses CU*BASE Custom Certified Trainer Program

The Conversion Team and several new clients of CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, have endorsed the new CU*BASE® Custom Certified Trainer Program. Martha Anderson, VP of CU*Answers Delivery Services, states “Notre Dame Federal Credit Union acted as a beta site for our CU*BASE Custom Certified Trainer Program. Their four corporate trainers were engaged and excited about this new training model.  The successful outcome of this program was a direct result of the enthusiasm of the trainers and CU*Experts as well as their commitment to learning all they could about their new core platform.  This was evident during conversion live week as each trainer and expert stepped up to assist front-line staff with adapting to the new software.  The NDFCU trainers are now providing input to another new client who will be utilizing the program.”

Jessica Meyer, Notre Dame FCU noted “The CU*BASE Custom Certified Trainer Program allowed us the ability to not only become well versed with the system, but also gave us the tools to be successful trainers so that we could in turn coach our credit union employees in an effective and efficient manner.  This was a rewarding and enjoyable experience that gave us the ability to better prepare for our conversion had we otherwise not had the opportunity.”