CU*Answers Completes Software Upgrade

West Michigan-based data processor, CU*Answers, announced it has successfully completed the latest software upgrade to all online and in-house clients. The 15.0 CU*BASE® software upgrade was one of three major software upgrades that core processing clients will receive in 2015 at no additional cost. Some of the highlighted features of the upgrade were: displaying members credit scores in online banking, major enhancements to the written-off loan program, several new management dashboard tools, new cross sales incentive reports, and much more. In total, CU*Answers added over sixty new software features to its flagship data processing platform.

CU*Answers stated it is proud to be able to continue to offer new and exciting software features to its credit union partners in nearly every key area of the core software. A history of all CU*BASE software upgrades can be found at