CU*Answers “Be an Innovator” Program Celebrates Two Years with Impressive Employee Involvement

CU*Answers announced that the employee-driven “Be an Innovator” program hit its second anniversary this month clocking some impressive statistics. The program started in December 2012 as a way to encourage innovative ideas from all teams within the CUSO. Since then, fifty percent of the company’s employees have attended the thirteen meetings held.logo Over thirty-five employee ideas were discussed, of which thirteen were submitted for executive review, and five were implemented from start to finish.

In addition CU*Answers celebrated “Innovator Day” in September with staff showing support by wearing orange t-shirts sporting the “Be an Innovator” logo.

“What I am most excited about is the professional development opportunities that “Be an Innovator” has created for employees,” said Alycia Meyers, the program coordinator. “It is a unique program that allows employees to implement their own idea from start to finish. And there are other opportunities to be involved such as mentoring or joining a committee to implement an idea.”

Meyers concluded that employee participation is still going strong with four ideas set to be presented at the next meeting in January.