CU*Answers Asks Voters to Approve Bylaws Changes

CU*Answers announced today the start of the voting period for its 2015 Annual Stockholders Election. In a communication sent to its 126 owners, CU*Answers is asking voters to fill 3 open seats on the CU*Answers Board of Directors, as well as to ratify three proposed changes to the CUSO bylaws. Included in the proposal are changes to streamline electronic notification and voting procedures, new language to comply with NCUA Rule 712.3 (“The CUSO Rule”), and a change to broaden the pool of candidates eligible for the CU*Answers Board.

In addition to voting in person at the annual Stockholders Meeting to be held on June 17, 2015, owners can choose to cast their vote electronically, and all materials pertaining to the election, including candidate resumes, have been posted on a special website available to all CU*Answers owners and clients.

“Since a two-thirds majority of all stockholders is required to pass the bylaws changes, we are pulling out all the stops this year when it comes to voter participation,” said Bob Frizzle, CU*Answers CFO. “While our turnout is traditionally very high, we have planned an even more aggressive campaign to ‘get out the vote’ for this election and encourage every owner to make sure their voice is heard.” The CUSO’s election website strongly emphasizes the Cooperative Principle of Democratic Member Control.

The voting period for online and mailed proxy ballots ends on June 12, 2015, with the official election count to be held during the Stockholders Meeting June 17th at the J.W. Marriott in Grand Rapids, Michigan.