CU*Answers Announces New Vice President

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO, recently announced that they have appointed Mary VanAntwerp as Vice President of Quality Control. VanAntwerp previously served as Quality Control Manager since joining the firm in 2003.

“Mary has demonstrated strong leadership skills, dedication, tenacity, and attention to detail, during her tenure and has earned this Vice President position,” said CU*Answers CEO Randy Karnes. “She has led her team through countless software releases and most recently, a major field expansion project (FEP) that required countless hours of detailed testing.”

“It has been a rewarding experience to be a part of the growth and opportunities at CU*Answers over the past eleven years,” says VanAntwerp. “I look forward to this role, working not only with what is considered the core Quality Control team and it’s initiatives in testing software, but with those other areas that also provide various roles of Quality Control throughout the organization.”