CU*Answers Announces New Software Release

West Michigan-based data processing CUSO, CU*Answers, announced it will be rolling out new core functionality to its data processing clients starting March 18, 2012. The 11.6 Software Release adds new product offerings to several key areas of the data processing system, CU*BASE®.

CU*Answers said that some of the software updates that they are most excited about include the new workflow & member service updates which give a global member relationship summary across several accounts.  The CUSO went on to mention several updates in the Lending, Online Banking, EFT, Auditing, Back Office, Marketing, Management, & Shared Branching areas of CU*BASE as well.

CU*Answers also announced that the company continues its trend of never charging Credit Unions for a software upgrade. The data processor stated, “A key difference in working with a Cooperative CUSO is the ability to help drive the company in a direction that is totally Credit Union focused. Nearly every piece of software that CU*Answers has added to CU*BASE in the 11.6 release was driven directly from client suggestion.”