CU*Answers Announces New Operational Tools

CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, notified its in-house credit union clients that the fall core software release would include an enhanced set of operational tools. According to the CUSO, these tools are being released under a brand called CU*BASE® Operator Edition.

Jeff Miller, OpsEngine Business Development Manager at CU*Answers, said, “These tools are the culmination of a year-long project designed to help our in-house credit unions leverage the investments our CUSO has made to effectively manage our SaaS online networks that serve more than two hundred clients across five time zones.” Miller continued, “CU*BASE Operator Edition was designed especially for our self-processing partners and their daily operations teams. Its unique user interface facilitates a full suite of receiving, posting, and system management tools that will help our partners manage their ongoing processing cycles more effectively.”

According to Miller, CU*BASE Operator Edition will be available as part of the CUSO’s 15.2 core system upgrade on November 9th.