CU*Answers Announces New Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) Business Manager Role

Cooperative CUSO CU*Answers has added a new management role as the business manager for the Developer’s Help Desk (DHD). Scott Page, formerly the EVP of Sales and Marketplace Development, has transitioned into the new position.

The purpose of the new Developer’s Help Desk is two-fold. First, DHD creates an online store for developers within the CU*Answers and credit union community to learn the process of developing tools and starting custom projects, and to initiate both DIY and DIT projects by “ordering” them online. Secondly, DHD will add its own customer support team focused on building developers and feeding the souls of builders, facilitating projects as they progress through the pipeline.

“The Developer’s Help Desk is at the center of the DIY initiative, and the Business Development Manager is the key leader working to ensure the initiative creates an audience of developers looking to build something new,” said Page. “I’m looking forward to this new chapter in my life, and to expanding our business partner relationships as we begin to roll out the DHD initiative.”

Page, who has served in various sales roles since his arrival in 1989, has been critical to the rapid growth of CU*Answers, which grew from roughly $1 million in total revenue and 15 CU owners to over $50 million in total revenue and 128 owners today. The CU*BASE® network has grown from serving roughly 30 CUs to over 250 CUs nationally, reaching over 2 million members daily. Page is replaced as EVP of Sales and Marketplace Development by former Xtend, Inc. CEO Scott Collins.

“The excitement I have for CU*Answers and the opportunities it provides to CUs today is nearly limitless and continues to resonate throughout the CU community,” added Page. “I look forward to working closely with Scott Collins as he transitions to his new EVP of Sales position—he will do a terrific job.”