CU*Answers Announces February Illinois Events

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned CUSO, announced Thursday that it will be doing three free High Level Overview events showcasing its data processing platform, CU*BASE®. The three events will take place on February 12th, 13th and 14th in Burr Ridge, Chicago, and Springfield, Illinois, respectively.

“This is a fantastic way for credit unions wanting to do due diligence or see what else is out there to do just that,” said Scott Page, EVP of CU*Answers. “For folks who haven’t seen CU*BASE, this is a free opportunity to see how our CUSO’s very different business model has produced a myriad of “fingertip research” tools designed to analyze and connect with a credit union’s membership in a way that no one else is doing in the industry.”

CU*Answers added that credit unions interested in attending the event can contact CU*Answers for more information.