In partnership with eDOC Innovations, CU*Answers is excited to announce that a major project is underway to replace the current CoWWW software being used to support CU*SPY.
CU*SPY is CU*Answers’ online report and E-Statement retrieval product. The upgraded version will be making use of eDOC’s idocVAULT product, that many of CU*BASE credit union clients have already been using for e-Receipts and ePhotoIDs. According to CU*Answers, by leveraging its investment and partnership with eDOC Innovations, it will have greater control of the software while still keeping costs low.
Credit unions that have their own eDOC or CoWWW or other vault will not be affected by this transition. CU*Answers target date to go live for all online clients is mid-February, 2010.