Michigan core processing CUSO, CU*Answers, announced that 129 different classes are offered in the 2012 Education Catalog. The year began with over 80 courses being offered via web conference, but due to ongoing client requests it is anticipated that over 350 web conference events will be scheduled by the end of 2012.
Each calendar year CU*Answers publishes a catalog of courses offered both classroom and via web conference. More and more attendance for web conferences is increasing, and has actually become the venue of choice for CU*Answers’ clients. Even for local clients, it gives them the opportunity to attend classes without leaving their offices.
In addition to scheduled courses, CU*Answers accommodates numerous individual requests throughout the year. These requests are often to visit a client site for personalized training, or in some cases the client requests to visit CU*Answers to participate in a workshop environment. Other venues of training that CU*Answers delivers each year are: Online Courses, Individual Workshops, Focus Groups, OnDemand Courses, and a Training Library complete with workbooks.
One venue that has been receiving a lot of attention is the Regional Training Events that are offered throughout the country. This year the agenda revolves around Risk Management, Policy Swap, Exam Share, and Concentrated Risk Management. In addition, CU*Answers is also focusing on Middleware during these events, investigating partner integration with third party vendors.