CU*Answers and Smart Messages

A credit union marketing department’s job has been made a bit easier and a bit less time consuming thanks to a CU*Answers Tricks of the Trade newsletter series reiterating to clients the ease of selling services in online banking with Smart Messages. Smart Messages are designed to help remind and promote various service offerings to members within the CUSO’s It’s Me 247 online banking system.

They are termed “Smart Messages” because the system detects whether or not an individual member is enrolled in or using a certain service. If the member isn’t enrolled in or using that service, the message will automatically appear to the member in online banking. Once the member starts using or enrolls in that service, the message stops appearing for that member.

CU*Answers stated that its CU*BASE core processing platform has several other online marketing tools, but Smart Messages are truly unique and have features that other tools do not. Perhaps the best feature is the one that saves time for marketing staff. Since the system automatically checks for member enrollment in features such as e-statements, bill pay, and other services, and then markets those services in online banking, it reduces the amount of time staff spend letting members know about the features.

The smart messaging functionality is included for free; all a credit union needs to do is decide which features to display and the system does the rest of the work.