CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned CUSO, said that it had recently converted Community Driven Credit Union (Ypsilanti, MI) to its CU*BASE processing system. They said the credit union is utilizing its popular CU*BASE SaaS model, which provides for online member processing, including a wide array of member self-service products, including It’s Me 247 Online Banking, e-statements, Mobile Web, Mobile Text, and more. CU*Answers added that the client had also implemented its CU*Spy Vault solution, which provides for an online image document strategy, fully hosted and managed by CU*Answers.
CU*Answers said Community Driven CU represents approximately ten thousand members and $58 million in assets. It added that this credit union represents its seventh new client conversion to CU*BASE this year, and now projects converting over 120K new members to CU*BASE during the year.