Credit Unions Leverage Integrated Imaging Solution with CU*Answers Core Processing Platform

The CU*Answers Imaging Solutions team is making it easy for credit unions to leverage their imaging solution right from within the core processing platform, CU*BASE®, with “Smart Links.” Included with the 15.2 CU*BASE release in October, smart links allow credit unions to configure buttons right in the core processing system to retrieve images wherever they may be. By adding quick access to images from daily workflow locations in the core, it creates a more convenient, efficient and streamlined process for staff.

In the spirit of friendly competition and getting the most of their CUSO investment, Frankenmuth Credit Union, Honor Credit Union and Verve, a Credit Union, challenged each other to see which credit union could implement the most Smart Links. Hearing of this, CU*Answers ramped up the competition by offering a cash prize of $2,500 to the winner. Imaging Solutions network partner, eDOC Innovations, chipped in an additional $500 to sweeten the pot.

In the end, Frankenmuth CU won the competition, having activated 77 smart link buttons in the core system. Although the two others fell just short, all three were winners by augmenting their staff’s workflow with over 200 buttons linked to their individual imaging systems.