Credit Unions Benefitting from Document Exchanges with Members through My Virtual Strongbox

The CU*Answers Imaging Solutions team is making it easy for credit unions to exchange documents with members through integration between their imaging solution and My Virtual Strongbox. My Virtual Strongbox is a cloud storage solution controlled by the member and provided by their trusted partner, their credit union. With My Virtual Strongbox members can upload critical documents such as wills, trusts, medical documents and other important documents then access them from anywhere via online banking. At the member’s request, credit unions can also send receipts, loan forms and other documents to the member’s Virtual Strongbox through integration built right into their imaging solution. Members in turn can upload and share documents with the credit union which greatly facilitates getting supporting documents for closing a loan such as verification of income, bill of sales etc.

Linda Bodie, President and Chief Innovator at Element Federal Credit Union in Charleston, WV states, “If you’re looking to exchange documents securely in a neat little portal, this is the thing to do that. It’s just like DropBox or any other cloud storage offering… except it’s in the credit union’s space. This is great for the loan process.”

In order to promote credit unions getting into the document exchange business with their members, CU*Answers purchased storage space for every credit union member in the network.