Credit Union Veteran Announces Retirement

After working in the credit union world for 40 years, Melinda Haehnel, announced she will retire from CU*Answers, the core processing CUSO, on December 19, 2014. “It has been an honor and privilege to be a member of the CU*Answers community. Over the last fourteen years I have learned so much about the power and value that a credit union service organization, this credit union service organization, brings to its credit union customer-owners, and more importantly, to its members. My retirement means a talented team with a new skill set and fresh ideas stands ready to deliver as the CU*Answers journey continues,” says Haehnel.

In preparation, CU*Answers has done some thoughtful planning over the last year to ensure a seamless transition. David Damstra, Vice President of Marketing and Creative Services, and his team will be handling most of the day-to-day functions of marketing and public relations; the Administration and Writing teams will take on others.