Commodore Perry FCU Becomes Newest Recipient of CU*Answers Scholarship Award

Commodore Perry FCU (Oak Harbor, OH) has become the newest recipient of the CU*Answers Scholarship Award, which is designed to provide credit unions most CU*BASE® core processing services free or at significantly reduced rates for an initial 2-year period.

Michael Barr, Commodore Perry FCU CEO said: “Our credit union is excited to be engaging with CU*Answers in this type of partnership. Not only are we confident in the value of the software and services provided by their organization, but we are pleased to have found a technology partner that is willing to invest directly in our own success. Their products, along with their support services, will propel our credit union’s ability to successfully compete in our technology driven world. We are looking forward to our future relationship with CU*Answers, where the cooperative spirit is alive and well.”

The $37 million-credit union is the fifth recipient of the Spirit of CU*Answers Scholarship Award. This unique program includes the entire CU*BASE processing solution, including an array of member self-service tools such as the It’s Me 247 Online, Mobile and Mobile App Banking suite to credit unions who demonstrate both a financial need and a financial opportunity, where they have a plan and vision for success but lack certain resources to see it fulfilled.

The credit union is expected to convert to CU*BASE in April 2017. Interested credit unions must complete an application process, which is then reviewed by a scholarship selection committee for potential approval. For further information, visit CU*Answers at