CU*Answers recently announced that its most recent collaborative marketing contest was a success, increasing CU*EasyPay! enrollment by as much as 200% for some credit unions.
The CU*EasyPay! Enrollment Contest resulted in an overall 16% increase in the number of new CU*EasyPay! electronic bill payments during November and December compared to the 2 months previous to the contest. Some credit unions did exceptionally well, increasing new bill payment enrollments by 200%. The winner of this contest was selected by a random drawing of 1,263 entries, from 41 participating credit unions. The winner, a member of Affinity, WySouth Credit Union in Wyandotte, Michigan was awarded a Dell Inspiron Mini 9” laptop.
This promotion is part of the CUSO’s CU*Drive program, in which pre-designed marketing promotions are targeted to drive credit union members to new products and services at their credit union. The only costs to credit unions participating in these programs are the printing of ordered marketing materials, which are substantially reduced because CU*Answers combines the order of all participating credit unions. According to the CUSO, it has sent out over 8 million pieces of marketing material, saving credit union clients thousands of dollars, while building member relationships.