Clients Are Introduced to Changes Coming to the CU*BASE® Navigation

Nearly 200 participants logged into the first in a series of web-based training sessions where CU*Answers introduced a completely new set of navigation coming to its CU*BASE core processing software. Although the changes were announced officially to all clients just two weeks ago, the CUSO has previewed the project at several training and management events over the past year. The software changes are in the final stages of testing and are being prepared for release to all clients in March 2017.

During the 90-minute session, Laura Welch-Vilker, CU*Answers Vice President, Client Services & Education, and Dawn Moore, CU*Answers Vice President, Writing Team/Product Design, presented the new CU*BASE home page, which replaces the previous menu-driven navigation. The home page includes built-in search tools, sort and filter features, and a “favorites” function that lets each user personalize his or her experience using the software. Jim Vilker, NCCO, CAMS and CU*Answers Vice President, Professional Services, also explained the changes being made to the security infrastructure used by the new navigation tools.