Call Center Wraps Up Biggest Month Ever

Over the past month, Xtend, Inc., a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, handled the largest number of call center transactions in its history.  Transactions included inbound member service calls, outbound business-to-business calls, outbound member calls, calls to its lending hotline and web chats.

According to CUSO President Scott Collins, the activity level was “expected but also a pleasant surprise.”  Collins continued, “Over the last few months, we got the go ahead for several major inbound and outbound projects, so we knew it was going to be all hands on deck for our call center going into spring.  But since two of the major projects called for our team to provide inbound member support during data processing conversions, we had to rely on our past experience to set an expectation for inbound volume.  Although we underestimated a couple of the days during the month, the team was quick to react, and at the end of the day I think they did a stellar job of providing the high level of member service we pride ourselves on.”

During the 30-day period, the CUSO’s Xtension Contact Center handled more than 25,000 calls and web chats.  Included in that volume were more than 700 leads that were passed to credit union and CUSO partners based on conversations with members and/or clients.