AuditLink and G2Link Co-Sponsor Vendor Management Conferences

AuditLink, the auditing and compliance division of CU*Answers, and G2Link, a firm which helps financial institutions automate their vendor compliance monitoring, is offering a web conference on November 29th, 2016. The web conference is designed to review the latest regulatory requirements, guidelines and best practices for vendor compliance management.

“Due to recent regulatory changes, vendor management has become an urgent focus for credit unions and CUSOs,” said Jim Vilker, VP of Professional Services for AuditLink. “We continue to see financial institutions challenged by the high cost of implementing programs to achieve and maintain compliance. However, by leveraging best practices and adopting the latest technologies these institutions can drastically reduce their cost while increasing their compliance readiness.”

“Managing vendors is no longer a once per year event, vendors must now be monitored continuously,” said Ed Sullivan, CEO of G2Link. “The expectation is that these relationships are monitored through their entire lifecycle from initial vendor selection, implementation, operations and contract renewal.”

Vilker added: “Our goal is to present insight from the top down in an organization. It is imperative credit union CEOs have a clear understanding of the current trend of heightened responsibilities expected by regulators and auditors.”

Future sessions will be designed for those directly responsible for the dynamic management of vendor management and corporate contracts. To learn more about AuditLink and its partnership with G2Link, visit them at their website.