CU*Answers Network Services (CNS) is recently announced that Allegius Credit Union, in Burns Harbor, Indiana will be joining over 100 other credit unions managed by CNS Complete Care.
“We’re very happy to win the business and partner with Allegius Credit Union on their technology initiatives,” said Matt Sawtell, CU*Answers VP of Managed Technology Services. “Through the RFP process we felt we could really plug in and help with the majority of technology focuses the credit union had. We are not only able to provide all the remote services, but also some onsite services through our Presence offering – it will be a good fit.”
“Allegius Credit Union is looking to address many of the same challenges all credit unions face,” added Dave Wordhouse, EVP of Technology for CU*Answers. “Finding a way to keep things running smoothly on a daily basis, navigating the cybersecurity compliance requirements and planning for the future. We’ve structured our services so that we can help address all three.”