CU*Answers Takes Next Step in Commitment to Online Retailing

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, cooperative CUSO, continues to progress in its mission to lay the groundwork for credit unions to become online retailers with the launch of its own CU*Answers Store. The store allows clients to quickly and easily purchase products and services offered through the CUSO, including auditing services, customized educational videos, web services, imaging solutions, and more.

“The CU*Answers Store is a big part of our work to respond to clients and their evolving styles for engaging projects and moving the ball forward in an internet retailing culture,” said CEO Randy Karnes. “Our hope is that credit unions will look to emulate this design on their own websites to facilitate the process of selling products and services to their members. Convenience is king, and the store puts everything in a central place so the focus is on action, not searching.”

Orders submitted are routed to the appropriate team at CU*Answers to verify, fulfill, and submit to billing. Check out all of the products and services in the CU*Answers online store front today at