CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned cooperative CUSO, recently announced that it is joining Mitchell, Stankovic and Associates as an UNDERGROUND PARTNER, with the goal of driving dialogue and putting ideas into action that push the credit union industry toward forward progress. “Credit unions should be game changers,” said Susan Mitchell, CEO of MSA. “Instead we are talking about the industry going away, imploding. It is not a time for pessimism, it is a time for activism, time to create an UNDERGROUND Community for change.”

Together with MSA, CU*Answers hopes to answer some of the questions facing credit unions today: How can we take charge of our future? What can we do to increase our strategic influence over the new consumer attitude so they advocate for our mission? Can we unite with a common voice?

Randy Karnes, CEO of CU*Answers stated: “Do you ever find yourself daring to think about potential solutions for your firm or the credit union industry that are just not “polite” conversation starters in traditional industry exchanges? You know you need to run the ideas down with peers, but where do you start? That is what the Underground Conference conflabs and the Underground Conference Community are all about. Talk-thinking! Robust brainstorming! And themes that might drive us all to disruptive innovation and industry renewal! Some of my best ideas, and hopes for the future are a long away from being briefed at a CUNA event, and not organized enough for a Filene exchange, I need to go underground with peers looking off the beaten path and harder at yesterday’s taboos that might just be ready for prime time soon.”

“We want activists, creators, and differentiators to join us in this dialogue—people that do what is right for their organization and the industry, even if it is unpopular,” added Brandi Stankovic. “CU*Answers is the right partner, at the right time. Randy knows how to stir things up and get things done.”

Over the last 12 months, Mitchell, Stankovic and Associates has brought together hundreds of executives from two countries and 18 states to challenge the status quo and have disruptive dialogue during the UNDERGROUND Conference, Strategic Sessions and the UNDERGROUND Collision late night event.

What’s next? February 27th, UNDERGROUND MIXER at Fado Irish Pub from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. For more information and to join the UNDERGROUND Community to have your voice heard visit to learn more.