Credit Unions Find Value in CU*Answers’ Stand In Collections Service

The Lender*VP Collections team at CU*Answers has been doing collections for years, offering credit unions a low cost alternative to staffing full time collection agents or using valuable staff time for collections work. In 2016, CU*Answers added a stand-in service that seeks to fill the role of substitute, quickly stepping in with only one-to-two days’ notice when needed.

A $260 million-Midwest credit union recently elected to take advantage of the service while their collector takes some time off. “This is a four-month stint in this case,” says Jerry Collins, Lender*VP Collections Manager. “Sometimes our credit unions aren’t interested a long-term engagement; I designed this service to solve the problem of short term work. What does a credit union with its own collections agent or team do when faced with prolonged absence due to vacation or medical leave? With this service, they need not worry—we’ll step in quickly and work directly within the same core platform to complete the work to their standards.”

For more information visit them at their website.