CU*Answers Enhances My Virtual StrongBox® Service

CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based core data processor, recently announced that thirty-five credit unions had taken up the CUSO’s offer of Virtual StrongBox services provided to the CUs. The service is being provided free to every credit union member, and may be tailored to each member’s desired preference for document storage capacity. In essence, this service provides a virtual storage space for members to store, control and securely retrieve nearly any type of document in an electronic safety deposit box.

CU*Answers added it developed the integration of My Virtual StrongBox within the It’s Me 247 Online Banking service, allowing members to store their personal documents without having to leave online banking. CU*Answers also added the ability to securely deliver credit union produced documents, such as e-receipts and loan documents, directly from the CU*BASE® core platform to a member’s electronic depository. The member is then able to retrieve those documents via the It’s Me 247 Online Banking system in an SSO environment for viewing and archiving.

CU*Answers says this service is already enhancing the overall processing and online banking experience for credit union members utilizing this service. CU*Answers estimates that 100+ credit unions will implement this service in 2016.