CU*Answers Reaches One Hundred Clients for It’s Me 247 Bill Pay

It’s Me 247 Bill Pay, a new bill payment and presentment service from CU*Answers, with payment processing by Payveris, has reached one hundred clients. The new service is an alternative option to CU*Answers’ existing bill pay strategies offered to credit union clients, and is offered at a fraction of the cost.

While other bill pay services offered provide a SSO environment, It’s Me 247 Bill Pay represents the CUSO’s first bill pay service fully integrated within online banking, creating a more cohesive digital strategy for credit unions.

“We’ve been ecstatic with the enthusiasm with which this new product has been received,” said CU*Answers EVP Scott Page. “It’s one more option credit unions have when defining their digital strategy.”

Multiple quick pay widgets were added within It’s Me 247 Online Banking to more quickly navigate, make payments, and transfer funds. Since bill pay users often represent a credit union’s most profitable members, offering another tool that enhances a member’s experience when utilizing these services adds a valued member retention component. For additional information, visit CU*Answers.