Shared Resources CUSO Adds New Clients

During the past three months, Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, has added new credit union clients in each of its major business units and will close the calendar year serving more than 200 credit union clients nationally.

Xtend President Scott Collins reflected on the steady growth of the client base by noting that “more and more mid-market credit unions are looking for creative and cost-effective ways to grow their businesses, and, in some cases, simply survive in an increasingly competitive and fast-moving marketplace.” Collins continued: “We have built our entire business model around executing defined, repeatable tasks in both the front and back office at disruptive price points. Many credit unions simply need help for a short period of time because of an anomaly, but most of our clients engage us for multiple years so that they can target their internal resources more effectively. In either case, it has been a win-win for our CUSO and our customer-owners.”

In September through November, Xtend added five credit unions to its Xtension Call Center, had five credit unions add back office services from its SRS Bookkeeping team, had six credit unions add electronic communication services through its Member Reach portfolio, and began compliance monitoring tasks for six new credit union clients. Collins noted that each of those units “has seen double-digit growth in calendar 2015.”