Automated End of Month a New CUSO Offering

CU*Answers, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, is now offering an automated end-of-month processing toolkit for its in-house, self-processing credit union clients on the CU*BASE® core data processing suite. The service, which was designed to help streamline operational processes, leverages tools that the CUSO utilizes in its own online SaaS environment.

According to Jeff Miller, OpsEngine Business Development Manager at CU*Answers, “these tools are designed to help build consistency into the end-of-month processing cycles so that our self-processing clients can manage their data centers more easily.” Miller continued, “By creating a uniform production environment and building automated processes over the top to manage that environment, we feel that this latest toolkit gives our in-house clients much more business flexibility, not to mention allowing staff to monitor events remotely.”

According to Miller, the automated end-of-month toolkit has been deployed and thoroughly tested in a client data center for many months and will be marketed to its entire self-processing community during the coming year.