CU*Answers Imaging Solutions puts Credit Unions in the Cloud Document Storage Business through Integration with My Virtual StrongBox Solution

The CU*Answers Imaging Solutions team recently announced that with their 2.1 programming release it is now easy for credit unions to send a receipt, loan form, or any other electronic document directly to a member’s online virtual strongbox. Credit union staff can accomplish this through a simple click of a button and the member will be able to access the document within minutes via their It’s Me 247 online banking account.

John Beauchamp, Manager of Imaging Solutions at CU*Answers recently experienced this first hand: “I asked the teller to send my receipt to my strongbox. She clicked the button and in a few minutes my receipt was available to view online. I think this is going to be a great service to members and allows credit unions to really leverage the investment CU*Answers made in purchasing strongboxes for all the members in the network.”

In April, CU*Answers purchased My Virtual StrongBox® solutions for all of its 190 credit union owners and members. Provided by Virtual StrongBox, Inc., the product allows members to upload important documents to their own “virtual strongbox” where they are securely stored and available for retrieval via the Internet. Access for members is conveniently provided through their current CU*Answers online banking product, It’s Me 247, so no additional authentication is required.