Communi7y Crew Holds 2nd CU*Answers Blood Drive

CU*Answers, a West Michigan-based core processing CUSO, recently held its second blood drive with Michigan Blood with overwhelming success. Communi7y Crew team member, Kasey Woodhead, led the event. “We were able to fill all of our donation appointments with great support from our CU*Answers and Xtend teams to provide 30 pints of blood and 4 double red donations.”

Due to the overwhelming success of the last two events, the Communi7y Crew has already scheduled the next blood drive for December 11, 2015. Michigan Blood provides blood for over 40 hospitals throughout Michigan. CU*Answers Communi7y Crew promotes the spirit of the 7 Cooperative Principles by encouraging employees, their families, and friends in the active participation of charitable community events. The group was initially designed and formed by participants of the CUSO’s Be an Innovator program, an employee-led group that seeks to foster staff innovation and involvement.

At a recent CU*Answers staff meeting, Eric Steeves was applauded for the hard work he put into creating the Communi7y Crew—he has stepped down from his role, making room for new leaders to step up and drive the group forward towards more charitable events.

For more information about the Communi7y Crew please email