CU*Answers to Host Workshop on Impact of Regulatory Changes on Credit Unions

CU*Answers, data processor to nearly 200 credit unions nationwide, is hosting a workshop on how recent regulatory changes made in Washington could affect its credit union clients. Featured speakers at the day-long workshop, From DC to GR: A Compliance Update, include AuditLink Vice President of Professional Services Jim Vilker, McQueen Financial Advisors President and CEO Charles McQueen, and Howard & Howard Law Firm Attorney and Counselor Steven Van Beek. To be discussed at the event are NCUA updates, asset liability management, the Credit CARD Act, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s TILA and RESPA disclosures, among other hot topics related to the impact of regulatory changes on credit unions. The workshop will be held on August 26 at the CU*Answers corporate office in Grand Rapids, Michigan.