CU*Answers Announces the Top Enhancements of 2013

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, cooperative data processing CUSO recently announced its Top 10 enhancements of the 2013 year.

Ranging from major enhancements to various CU*BASE® core processing system dashboards to 40 new integration points to view electronic documents, CU*Answers representatives remarked, “With so much great programming this year it was difficult to narrow our choice to the Top 10 enhancements for the 2013 year.”

Favorites among staff include Promise Deposits, allowing members to electronically deposit a check; an attractive alternative to members who may otherwise use other options to receive cash ahead of a regularly scheduled visit to a financial institution. Another favorite were the service charge enhancements allowing additional opportunities to leverage fee income without the need for custom programming.

Other named programs on the Top 10 list were free FraudNet services relative to bill pay and automated running of OFAC by CU*Answers. Visit CU*Answers Top Ten Software Enhancements in 2013 for the entire list of Top 10 Enhancements as well as what else is cooking in the CU*Answers kitchen.