Growing CUSO Expands Its HQ

Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, announced today that it has completed the relocation its entire staff to its new corporate headquarters location.  The CUSO staff now occupies a 6,300 square foot suite on the 2nd floor of the building that also serves as the corporate headquarters Xtend’s fellow multi-owned CUSO partner CU*Answers, Inc.

In commenting on the move, Xtend President Scott Collins noted, “This is another milestone event in the history of our company.  The significant growth that our company experienced over the past several years meant that we were pushing the limits of our existing floor plan sooner than we had expected.  Our partners at CU*Answers have been growing even faster, so when they came to us with some ideas about expanding our footprint within their HQ facility, our board was very excited about committing to a relocation project that would give us even more room to expand our team as needed.”

The build-out of the new space was completed in less than three months and the Xtend team was relocated non-disruptively over this past weekend.  “I couldn’t be happier with the coordinated effort between my team, the technical support team from CU*Answers and their contractors,” continued Collins.  “When you prepare to move an entire Call Center non-disruptively, you want to make sure to dot all of the i’s and cross all of the t’s so that credit unions and their members were not affected.  The fact that we experienced no down time and hit the ground running in our new digs is a testament to all of the teams involved.”