Xtend Celebrates Its 10th Birthday

Xtend, Inc., the multi-owned cooperative CUSO, recently celebrated its 10th year of serving credit unions with a week-long series of events at its Grand Rapids, Michigan corporate headquarters.  The week culminated with a declaration of its largest stock dividend ever by the CUSO Board of Directors.

Xtend President Scott Collins commented on the CUSO’s first decade by saying, “This is an exciting week for our team, our owners and the industry partners we serve on a daily basis.  It seems like just yesterday we were holding our first board meeting.  We had one employee and a desire to do something disruptive to the status quo that was our industry at that time.  We knew that many mid-market credit unions would embrace a strong shared resources partner, and it was our desire to build that business to help them survive and thrive.  Although today we have nearly fifty (50) employees and do business with one hundred and fifty (150) credit unions nationally on a daily basis, we are proud that our principles have remained the same – bring new solutions and partners to our mid-market credit union partners and provide services at price points that are disruptive to traditional industry pricing models.  I am proud of what we have accomplished and am bullish about what the future holds for both our company and our industry.”

Collins, who has led the CUSO since its inception, concluded by noting, “It has been fun to participate in the growth and maturity of our firm over this past decade.  And I have no doubt that this next decade will be filled with even more opportunities to make a positive difference in the business plans of the credit unions and CUSOs we serve.”