CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned core data processor, announced that using their core platform, CU*BASE, credit unions can easily view their member retention in a single screen. The graphical dashboard is a powerful tool that allows the user to view the number of memberships opened in a year, and how many of those members remained at the credit union over a series of five years. The tool even allows the search to be narrowed down to view only a specific membership designation (for example, trusts), a specific gender, or to view members who were a specific age when they joined the credit union.
The CUSO added that a similar dashboard was created to show sub-account retention. The new dashboards are added to the Know Your Members menu, which includes other tools to learn more about member activity, such as “Where Your Members Shop” and the popular “Where Your Members Borrow.” CU*Answers indicated that it will continue to develop other trend analysis dashboards and reports to help staff take less time on data mining and put more time into action.