CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned CUSO, announced to its client credit unions that it’s a breeze to complete a 5300 call report using the CU*BASE core processing platform. Over 50% of the credit unions on the CU*BASE system have adopted the 5300 call report tool, and CU*Answers says their goal is to have 100% of its clients make the switch.
CU*Answers added that the fully integrated tool allows for credit unions to configure the system to auto-populate almost half of the 5300 account codes with data directly from CU*BASE, greatly saving time on subsequent reports. In addition, with all the call report data available in the system, graphical dashboards can be used for easy trend analysis and reporting. The CUSO added that it will continue to make quarterly updates at no cost to continually improve the system and ensure all required changes are incorporated.