Xtend Participates in Network Partner Meeting

Xtend, Inc., a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, recently participated in the cuasterisk.com Annual Partner Meeting with many of its key strategic business partners.  The meeting was held March 14-16 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and included the management teams of fellow CUSOs CU*Answers, eDOC Innovations, CU*Northwest, Site Four and CU*SOUTH.  It was the third strategic planning meeting for the affiliated group of core data processing, document management, data center and professional services CUSOs.

Xtend President Scott Collins noted, “This was the biggest meeting we have had since the cuasterisk.com network was formed several years ago.  Leaders from every CUSO in the network were on hand, including our newest partner – Site Four.  We worked through an aggressive list of agenda items focused not only on helping our current credit union owners to grow, but also on initiatives designed to help increase our collective market share.  From an Xtend standpoint, I am excited to have left the meeting with some significant opportunities for the remaining four months of our fiscal year and for our team in 2013.”

The network partners scheduled May 20th through 22nd for the 2013 annual meeting.