CU’s ‘Go Green’ with eDOC’s Annual IRS Tax Forms

eDOC Innovations, an e-document management CUSO, is again extending its electronic tax form service to all of its credit union peers and partners.  eDOC provides digitized versions of all applicable IRS tax forms for credit union clients to enable them to provide member access to year-end tax statements through their member document portal known as 2020eDOC™.

“Tax season is a busy time of year and a great time to promote the ‘Go Paperless’ aspects of the credit union.  There is real cost benefit in providing the service to members and the credit unions gain momentum with membership participation in electronic services by using this strategy.  This is really an area where we see the value of a solid eDocument strategy,” comments Bret Weekes, President/CEO of eDOC Innovations.

eDOC also says that 14 credit unions participated in this strategy last tax season.

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