Collaborative Contest Spurs 9,079 E-Statement Enrollments

A recent contest sponsored by CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned CUSO, has resulted in an impressive increase in the number of credit union members opting to receive E-Statements over mailed statements.  During the August and September contest period credit unions realized a total of 9,079 E-Statement enrollments, an overall 48% increase compared to the 2 months prior to the contest.

Marissa Pittsley, a member of Isabella Community Credit Union in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan is the winner of a Nintendo Wii Gaming System.  According to CU*Answers, Isabella Community CU witnessed a 96.15% increase in E-Statement enrollment comparative to the previous 2 month period.

Because this was a collaborative campaign nearly 400,000 statement inserts were ordered by 60 credit unions, driving the cost to $0.015 each.  The expense to Isabella Community Credit Union was only $114.25, which equates to $0.44 for each of its new E-Statement enrollments.

CU*Answers provides an array of collaborative marketing services ranging from free campaigns for CUSO Members to full-calendar marketing plans provided in conjunction with the Xtend CUSO supported with Xtension Call Center member communication.  For more information access the website at

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