CU*BASE to Offer OFAC Enhancements

CU*Answers has recently said that it plans to finish enhancements to the OFAC scanning capabilities of its core processing system, CU*BASE, in time for the 10.3 Release scheduled October 17th for Online Processing credit unions, and November 8-9th for Self Processing credit unions.

According to the CUSO, some of the upgrades include a new configuration file  to hold country names/codes, maintained by CU*Answers for all clients that can be used in both batch and interactive scans, wherever there is an address with a foreign address flag that can be used to identify a country name.  This feature will assist in cleaning up issues related to modifying and deleting country names.  Other changes include the addition of a new log file that will record every time an OFAC scan is done for anything other than a member – which is designed primarily as an informational archive for credit unions to Query the file any time if they are questioned about when a particular name was scanned through OFAC.

For more information about products in the works at CU*Answers, visit the CU*Answers Kitchen page at

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