CU*Answers, a data processor headquartered in West Michigan, has recently partnered with the World Council of Credit Unions and its Global Women’s Leadership Network, which supports International credit union development by building a self-sustaining system for people to work themselves up from poverty.
The Global Women’s Leadership Network (GWLN) has been formed to raise awareness of critical issues affecting women in obtaining leadership positions, and gaining access to basic financial services, specifically in developing countries. Support is provided by WOCCU and the GWLN by providing a women’s community-style online forum, and annual conferences facilitated on a confidential peer-to-peer exchange.
As a CUSO that provides services to 165+ credit unions, and over 1 million members, CU*Answers has formed a committee of individuals to promote WOCCU and GWLN both internally, and throughout the credit union community. Jody Karnes, CIO for the CUSO, will be representing CU*Answers at the (second annual) 2010 Global Women’s Leadership Forum, taking place July 10-11 in conjunction with The 1 Credit Union Conference in Las Vegas.