4th Quarter Numbers Reflect Ongoing Growth for CUSO

Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO that ended its 2015 fiscal year on September 30th, announced year-on-year revenue growth of nearly 20%. According to Xtend President Scott Collins, the results “will not become official until our CPA firm concludes their work in the next few weeks, but we don’t expect to see a dramatic variance from our preliminary numbers one way or the other.”

Collins continued, “2015 was the biggest sales year ever for our thirteen year-old firm. Demand for our products and services exceeded our expectation across most of our business units, which re-enforces that our value proposition for mid-market credit unions is stronger than ever. The board and management team are proud of the effort put forth by our entire staff during the past year. Our client based grew significantly, and, since we are a shared resources business, we invested significantly in human resources to support the increased demand. We look forward to continued returns on those investments during our 2016 campaign.”

Collins concluded, “Our focus areas for the coming year will be the continued streamlining of business execution, investment in technology and infrastructure to support our Xtension Call Center operation and expanding our digital marketing communication client base. We have aggressive goals, but the team has already hit the ground running. It should be a fun year.”